About Us
In today's world, where new technologies impact every aspect of life, competition is intensifying, and media channels are diversifying and proliferating, attracting the attention and gaining the approval of consumers and all other stakeholders is crucial for commercial and social organizations. This requires effective communication skills. In parallel with this, the demand for a competent and professional workforce in the advertising, public relations, and other areas of communication is growing every day.
The Department of Public Relations and Advertising at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Iğdır University, aims to train students who are well-versed in the concepts and theories of communication, promotion, advertising, marketing, and public relations, by offering up-to-date education based on the fundamental principles of communication. The program focuses on equipping students with the ability to strategically use new communication technologies, apply their knowledge in practical communication activities in the business world, and develop the skills necessary to succeed in various communication fields. The goal of the program is to educate communicators who can think strategically, are knowledgeable, innovative, team-oriented, and have strong foreign language skills, and who can succeed in both local and global markets in the fields of promotion, advertising, and public relations in the ever-increasing global competition.